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can we eat food in bus?

文章作者:生活范文网 文章来源:本站整理


Recently,Introduced a provision in a city:Prohibit eating in the subway,bus and other public transport vehicles.The introduction of this provision raises everyone's enthusiastic discussion.Some people support ,some against it.As a member of the city,I wanted to express my own views.


To be honest, I have to admit that sometimes I also eat breakfast on the bus. I remember it was a sunny morning,I intend to go to work by bus.Because getting up late,I do not have breakfast at home,I bought breakfast in the street and hurried on a bus.At that time,the government did not introduce this requirement,and I had breakfast comfortablely in the bus,the nearby passengers also no resentment.My point of view from this experience,I personally don't think there is much harm to eat food in the bus or subway.


However,when I think about it carefully, I found that there are problems:It was a sunny day,people are good mood in sunny day general speaking.So people was very to forgive the fault tolerance of others at that time.In fact there is not many passengers on the bus at that time,we sat spacious,and it was summer,Compartment air flow because the bus windows were open fully.Even if I was eating meat onion buns in the bus car,the other passengers won't smell too much.So the other passengers did not objectionable.I was the only man eating breakfast on the bus at that time,Just one man eating food,the passengers also no disagerement.


But we can imagine another scenario:If the day was cold,people would feel sadness,and was a wet city,a passengers crowded bus,because of the cold weather,passengers did not open windows,the result was poor air in the bus.At that time,there was several passengers was eating food(Wenling clip cake and ravioli),the exudes atmosphere of food suddenly made the car smell weird.Unexpectedly,the bus brakes because encountered an emergency situation.A bowl of ravioli one passenger was eating been spilled,splashed on the front passenger's neck and back.——Well ! On such an environment,can we accept it ? Obviously, in such an environment where anyone will feel depressed.If the provision of fasting in the public transport implemented,it was not so depressed.


Perhaps,my way of speaking was too elegant. In short,my personal view is clear,I support this provision.Because the bus or subway are public transport vehicles,everyone must abide by a morality norms in public places.People in public places,it is necessay for the sake of everyone.Government banned people eat food on the public transport vehicles,not only because of the smell of food will be distributed,but also it produce a lot of waste pollution our public environment.

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